Friday, 11 September 2015

First Draft of My New Novel - New Technique

This is the first time that I have written the first draft of a novel without revising and editing each chapter after I have finished it. It is also the first time that I have not researched details as I write. For example I referred to a child riding a pony and wrote pony in bold. When I revise the novel I will research ponies and name the breed which he is riding. I am nervous, but if I can stick to my target to write a set number of words every day the first draft of my novel, Tuesday's Child, which will be approximately, 95,000 words, should be finished in late December or early January. At the moment real life has intervened so I'm 1,800 words behind, and this weekend I'm visiting my youngest son and his children. Hopefully, I will manage to fit in some writing.

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