Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Meet Rosemary Morris

Some years ago, I thought I would never have a novel published. Today, I googled: Rosemary Morris at MuseItUp Publishing, and am impressed by my publisher's display of my mini author biography and details of my novels, etc.  With pride I invite my followers to visit me.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Things To Do In My Shorthand Notepad

At last I have worked my way through many notes in my shorthand notepad. I visited some online sites which were interesting and others that had no significance for me. I transferred e-mail addresses into my on line address book and contacted people about 'writerly' matters.

Some things were fun. For example I googled and listened to the 7th Hussars Regimental Tunes. Canter, The Cambells are Coming, Quick  Bannocks o’ Barley Meal, Slow The Garb of Old Gaul, which I decided I preferred hearing them played on the bagpipes.

I also added lots of books to my To Be Read List.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

5* Review of False Pretences, Traditional Regency Romance.

Roland, hero of False Pretences, a traditional Regency romance, makes a low bow in appreciation of Great Historical’s review. He is delighted because the reviewer thinks he will linger in the reader’s memory.
Amazon Review. 5.0 out of 5 stars. A sweet and suspenseful Regency Romance. Kindle edition.
“Rosemary Morris has penned a delightful romantic story about a young woman named Annabelle in search of her family. Raised in a boarding school, with no contact with any family, and in the charge of a guardian she has never met, she runs away only to find herself in danger. Roland, a handsome man of means, saves her from imminent danger. He takes her under his wing and together they unravel a web of lies until the shocking truth of Annabelle's past life is revealed.

Rosemary Morris writes with ease and readability. Her characters are well rounded, evolving as the plot unfurls. This novel has a bit of everything - an endearing romance, a hint of mystery, dastardly villains, plenty of suspense, and a memorable hero and heroine who will stay with you long after you finish reading. The ending is intense as all the secrets are revealed, leading to a highly satisfying conclusion. A lovely sweet romance worthy of all age groups!”
www.amazon.co.uk and www.amazon.com False PretencesB009YK1MFO, Nook and other online retailers.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Planning My New Novel Tuesday's Child

The heroine of my new traditional Regency romance, Tuesday's Child, will be a character from Monday's Child. She is Lady Harriet, a widow, and mother of a young son. Lady Harriet is not beautiful but she is full of grace, both inner and outer.

After reading a chapter in a non-fiction book, I know where the novel will begin.

So, I have answered the question who about the heroine and two questions when and where. I know have to answer the questions what and how. In other words, what happens in the first chapter and how does it happen.

I am now looking forward to meeting the hero.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Novelist's Shorthand Notepad

I am applying all the notes crammed into a shorthand notepad. Websites to visit, on line groups to consider joining, titles of books I want to read, web.sites with interesting information, blogs I want to follow, notes for research, e-mail addresses, etc. etc.

Last time I did this I decided to do this once a week but while writing Monday's Child I allowed the list of things to do to increase.

I've joined some new groups and am looking forward to participating in them.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Writing a New Novel

At the moment, I am revising my mediaeval novel set in the reign of Edward II of England. I have entered the first 5,000 words in two competitions and am keeping my fingers crossed. To be long listed would be an achievement.

It seems strange not to get up in the morning and work on my new novel, which will be Tuesday's Child a follow on novel from my Traditional Regency Romances, Sunday's Child and Monday's Child. However, I have a lot of  'writerly' matters to deal with so I have set myself a deadline to write about 'Tuesday's Child' aka Harriet who 'is full of grace'. In the meantime, I shall be thinking about her a lot.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Puncture on the Way to Lunch

Yesterday, my daughter and three grandchildren and I left in good time to lunch at Sakoni's vegetarian Indian restaurant in Harrow. We looked forward to the Gujerati style food or  pizza or lasagne. Halfway there a tyre punctured. There's nothing like waiting for three-quarters of an hour for the AA mechanic to arrive while listening to a hungry five-year old grumbling.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Eating Out

Much better yesterday and today. I took two of my grandchildren to the pizza hut yesterday while their lucky mum shivered at a football stadium, while her son number two participated in a special event. She was pleased to go home and leave him with his coach and his team while they watched a football match, and then returned to collect him.

Today, the five of us are making up for Mother's Day on which I was to ill to go out to lunch. We are going to Sakonis our favourite Indian, Vegetarian restaurant in Harrow.
Yummy, yummy for the tummy but I shall eat sparingly.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Ill-health, Writers' Workshop, Writing Competitions

Eight days since I became ill. After five days on antibiotics I'm recovering.

On Monday evening, as I did not have a contagious infection, I managed to fulfil my commitment to conduct a workshop at the writing group I am a member of. The topic was How To Be Your Own Copy and Line Editor Before Submitting Fiction. Although I was so ill,  the workshop was very well received. Afterwards, I was very pleased to drive home safely and delighted to sink into my comfortable bed.

During the rest of the week I slept, read and watched television a lot, but I did manage to edit and submit the synopsis and the opening pages of my novel to two prestigious competitions. My main fear is that the judges will prefer literary novels or novels based on the lives of known historical figures. However, with regard to the latter, I prefer fictional characters, although real-life ones feature in my novels. 

I am looking forward to comments on the submission from one of the competitions. I also look forward to sending more entries. To use a cliché 'nothing venture, nothing gain'.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


On Friday I felt very unwell. I became worse during the weekend, which ruined our plans for Mother's Day, and on Monday dragged myself to the urgent clinic at my doctor's surgery. I have an internal infection, the details of which I won't bore you with, and am taking antibiotics. For two days I've done next to nothing, other than sleep, watch some television and read. I am a little better today am looking forward to again being 100%,

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Submission of Monday's Child

At last, I finished my novel Monday's Child  a traditional Regency novel, which is set in Brussels in 1815. I have submitted Monday's Child together with the synopsis, a letter about the novel and a brief author biography to my publisher. It has taken me a year to research and write Monday's Child, during which time I worked on the edits of The Captain and The Countess, and dealt with various 'writerly matters'. For now it is sad to say goodbye to the hero Major, Lord Langley and the heroine Miss Whitley, who together with other characters have been in my mind for so long, but they will re-appear in my next Regency Novel, Tuesday's Child.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Synopsis and Garden Plans

First thing this morning, I drafted the synopsis of Monday's Child, the follow on novel from my traditional Regency Romance. I dread writing a synopsis so I took a deep breath and confronted my fear.

Last year the fruit on my patio peach and nectarine trees grew to the size of table tennis balls and then fell off. I think the pots I planted them in are too small and the compost is wrong. Today I bought John Innes No 3, which is more suitable for them. Tomorrow, I shall re-pl...ant them in larger containers. I also bought a red climbing rose to plant on the left hand side of my front door. I already have a red one on the right hand side. I also bought 12 beautiful primulas which are different colours to edge a narrow border beneath my dining room window. I also hope to have time to plant out my broad beans which are growing in the greenhouse.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Raised Bed

Cold wind and even snow was forecast, unless I misunderstood and it did not apply to S. E. England. Anyway, I expected bad weather so, on Monday, I did the week's shopping and on Tuesday tidied the house instead of getting on in the garden. Today, I sowed sowed seeds in an 8ft by 4ft raised bed. Row 1 cut and come again lettuce  leaves. Row 2 mixed  parsnip and radish seeds. The radishes will mark where the parsnips are and crop when the parsnips have sprouted. Row 3. Quick growing baby carrots. Row 4. Turnips. Row 5. Choggia, a red and white striped beetroot. There is room for a 6th row in which I will plant more cut and come again baby.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Shopping and Writing on a Cold Day

After several balmy days snow is forecast in the north of the British Isles. Elsewhere there might be frost overnight and in the west I think there might be strong winds and rain.

Instead of working in my organic garden I did the week's shopping after the hours in the morning which I set aside every day to write.

I have to compose a letter, that will include the single sentence premise to the publisher re: Monday's Child, my most recent traditional Regency Romance. In case anyone is wishes to know what my definition means it is that as a rule I don't open the bedroom door wide in my novels.

I also have to write the 'dreaded' synopsis. Then the happy day when I can submit the novel will arrive. Hopefully, by the 15th of March.

Next week I am giving a talk on editing at the writers' group which, more often than not, I attend on Monday evenings. This evening I shall read an extract from my novel set in the reign of Edward II. It is the first of a trilogy that I began ages ago, which I have worked on intermittently in between writing other novels.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Monday's Child Edited & Organic Garden

I finished editing Monday's Child this morning. I couldn't believe how many gerunds I had used. I hope the novel reads well and that I have not missed any typing errors. I reach a point at which I sometimes see what I think should be on the page instead of what is on the page. Thanks to the spelling and grammar facility I hope there are no typos, grammar or spelling mistakes.

After I finished Monday's Child a traditional Regency novel, the sequel to Sunday's Child, I had breakfast and then worked in the garden. I finished the bed I have  been working on for most of the week. It is planted with a well established redcurrant bush, a rhubarb plant, a blackcurrant bush, another rhubarb plant, a desert gooseberry and a small cherry tree, which I transplanted to make room for a greengage tree.

I might prettify the bed with some pots of stargazer lilies in between the plants and, maybe edge the bed with lettuces and alpine strawberries.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Beautiful Day.

The first two daffodils of many daffodils in my garden flowered to day. Spring is really here.

I had intended to plant rhubarb today. Instead I cut weed suppressant to fit it the top left hand corner of my garden. I then stood and one of my compost bins and the tumbler to it. The weed suppressant hardly shows now that they are in place. The advantage is that it will prevent roots growing up through the compost, save a lot of time weeding and make it easier to collect the compost when I tip it out. I have a third bin in another part of the garden. My first attempt to make compost resulted in a smelly, soggy mess. Yuck. Now I layer the different components and the compost is odourless and dry. The first layer is shredded paper most of which comes from junk mail.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Sp[ring Garden and Recycling

Yesterday and today I enjoyed the mild weather while tidying up my garden. I am all in favour of recycling to I used old strips of carpet to make paths between the bed planted a gooseberry bush, two apple trees, a William Bon Chretien pear tree and a plum tree, and a second bed planted with a red currant, dessert gooseberry and a black currant bush in which I plant rhubarb tomorrow.

I also emptied a compost bin and mulched the gooseberry and the red currant with compost, which is, after all, recycled material.

I'm looking forward to more gardening during the weekend.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

A Novelist's Early Spring Garden

Yesterday, a gardener pruned the hedge around my garden. The Hedge is a mixture of evergreens, a bullace (wild plum tree), forsythia, laurel, etc. It took him eight hours but is well worth it. The hedge is neat and the reduced height has let more light in.

Today is lovely early spring day today, so I cleared weeds from a vegetable patch then planted a desert gooseberry and a blackcurrant bush. I dug in plenty of manure so hope they will thrive and provide several pounds of fruit.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Traditional Regency Novel Monday's Child

The final revision of my traditional Regency novel, Monday's Child, the follow on novel from Sunday's Child is taking longer than I anticipated. I have revised 100 pages out of 292. If I work hard I should finish the revision by the end of the week.